THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD. This material aims to educate you on the operation of God’s presence helping you differentiate it from the rewards of His presence. The rewards of His presence: These are bye-products of His presence that we most times call results in our physical realm. We most times describe them as spiritual but in their selves they aren’t. They are the things we can relate with in our realms here(the physical realm) – healing; miracles of all kinds that can be seen, felt, smelt and touched! Psalm 97:5 – The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth (NKJV) The mountains here represent all forms of challenge and what so ever you might love to affix. The scripture informs us they melt as a bye-product of the operation of His presence. This operation is the Mystery behind His presence. The melting is a reward! ....,at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth What does this mean? The...
Discover us The EL-Bethel Christian network is a Prophetic and Apostolic Mandate, A New Creation Institution and a Non-denominational Christian Organization created to engendering a kingdom army of spirit-filled, thoroughly trained believers with a Passion to see God's kingdom come as agents of Transformation taking the value system and culture of the kingdom to every strata and sector of Human existence; Through: - Influence and Impact Convergences and Platforms that equip the saints Fellowship