This material aims to educate you on the operation of God’s presence helping you differentiate it from the rewards of His presence.
The rewards of His presence:
These are bye-products of His presence that we most times call results in our physical realm.
We most times describe them as spiritual but in their selves they aren’t.
They are the things we can relate with in our realms here(the physical realm) – healing; miracles of all kinds that can be seen, felt, smelt and touched!
Psalm 97:5 – The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth (NKJV)
The mountains here represent all forms of challenge and what so ever you might love to affix. The scripture informs us they melt as a bye-product of the operation of His presence. This operation is the Mystery behind His presence. The melting is a reward!
....,at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth
What does this mean?
There is a dimension of the presence of the Lord of the whole earth you must catch as an individual and funnily, the proportion you catch determines the dimension you operate. I mean the rewards of His presence you get.
Daniel 1:32b: ....they that know their God: they shall be strong and do exploits.
This is really knowing God – His presence has to be known and not felt. The rewards of His presence is what we feel, see and hear – the mountains that melt which we can feel but we have to first come to know!
The result of His presence is a resultant effect of the God you have known.
- we have been trained and fashioned according to our realms even in the body of Christ. We always cannot relate with what we cannot perceive(by our physical sense) yet we claim we are spiritual.
So, even the spiritual ones among us do not know the presence of the Lord till they feel sensations like goose bumps and claim that was His presence – No!
The presence of the Lord has to be known(personally and in person). It is when this is known that you can be strong(because you are not doing feelings but you know. You gain strength on the ground of convictions) and then you do exploits!
- There is a revelation here I want you to catch. The rewards of His presence is still tied to us.
That the mountains did melt like wax at the presence of the Lord... Doesn’t make it automatic!
Jesus Christ revealed: if only you will speak to the mountain (Matthew 11:23. 17:20) NOT because you felt a goose bump but because it’s now personal. You have met with Him many times in the secret place: You have spoken to him many times and He responded, why not a mountain?
You have come to know Him – like Adam knew his wife(Genesis 4:1). Though the knowing here contextually was a sexual intercourse, you have come to have an intercourse too.
Can you now see why most times the ones who do the exploits are Men of God.
They understand the operations, you only see the rewards of his presence. You see the miracles!
The presence of the Lord truly is a mystery but it can be explained and lived.
Do not live in ignorance or deception.
There is a way men meet God – I show this to you in the next post. Till then, begin to dig your wells.
Cry out to Him, He awaits you!
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